News and events

End of the project

On 30th September the EAST project has been officialy closed. We invite All our Guest, Friends and business Partners to see the projects results at the and  

Multiplier Event

23 and 24 September 2021 A meeting disseminated the results of the EAST project took place. Thank you for arriving at the meeting and we hope that the project results were satisfactory.

Newsletter #4

New newsletter has been launched

IO3 and IO4 are almost finished, and we are about to finalize the project! Here you have all important information at a glance!

EAST Platform (IO4)

EAST Platform is ready for testing. You can test it at  The Platform delivers a unique innovative and creative environment focused on providing an assessment tool/self-evaluation tool with already designed training itinerary based on individual needs identified (in IO1) and the entrepreneur learning pathway and Europass profile, together with recommendations materials on ECVET and ECTS recommendations.

Newsletter #3

New newsletter has been launched

We are proud to say that we have been very productive! IO2 is completed, IO3 is almost finished, and we are currently working on IO4. Here you have all important information at a glance!

Start working on IO3

In the #East! we have started work related to the preparation of a description of standards for permanent qualifications in the field of entrepreneurship in the ECVET system. Our goal is a better understanding of the learning outcomes achieved by entrepreneurship learners, their greater transparency, and, as a result, better professional mobility both within the national and European labour market. We intend to group the learning outcomes into units, which are parts of the qualifications that may be subject to separate verification and validation.

We encourage you to observe the effects of our current and future work at

Developing IO2

IO2 is currently being developed This IO is entitled Recommendations to create bridges between VET and higher education systems for entrepreneurship” It will consist of two parts :

• Part 1 Basic assumptions  With information about the VET/ECVET systems in the partner countries, confirming learning outcomes in the area of entrepreneurship, a comparative research and recommendations for validation

• Part 2 Validation methodology  With information about the approaches of validation, the validation process, validation methods, validation advisors, certifying institutions, the quality assurance of validation and extra recommendations
We will keep you informed about the latest news of the development!

Newsletter #2

New newsletter has been launched

New Newsletter #2 has been launched. See more on the project's website and in the attachment. 

Completion of IO1

IO1 has been completed! This intellectual output is entitled Entrepreneurship as Self employment tool Skills and qualifications within ECVET” This IO 1 consisted in a report where a needs analysis was done to recollect the best practices of entrepreneurship and innovative educational approaches already in use in the partnership countries It also identified the training needs and necessary steps for the successful implementation of open educational approaches in their daily  practices The results are very interesting, and they will be soon available in projects website!

Newsletter #1

New newsletter has been launched

Newsletter captures all basic information and goals of the EAST project. 

Kick-off meeting

On the 14th and 15th of October 2019, the coordinating organisation, Valencia Innohub hosted the partners for the kick-off meeting of EAST. During the meeting, the partners discussed about the general management of the project and ways to approach the target group, and they also divided and clarified the tasks of each organisation according to the proposal. Furthermore, the partners agreed on the implementation of the first steps of the project and set the dates for the upcoming partner meetings. All the outputs of the project were also presented and discussed by the lead partner of each output, and the partnership also agreed on the dissemination strategy.

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