The main objective of EAST project is to develop a training itinerary for entrepreneurship / small businesses management following ECVET recommendations and thus applicable in different countries. The EAST qualification will describe the units and learning outcomes corresponding to the entrepreneur profile, and determine the required knowledge, skills and competences to become an entrepreneur. It will allow flexibility in the training pathway thanks to assessment solutions and a modular structure. It will be summarised in a Europass Certificate Supplement to make it easily understood over Europe.

The objectives of the EAST project are the following:

  • Promote high quality entrepreneurship and self-employment over Europe,
  • Define a profile of entrepreneur with associated knowledge, skills and competences,
  • Develop a proposal for the application of ECVET system to non-formal and informal entrepreneurial education, with the definition of a Europass and learning pathway that fits to the learning outcomes system,
  • Set up recommendations for the application of ECVET in continuous learning in partners’ countries,
  • Establish and promote methods of e-learning and app-learning, as well as the use of OER thanks to an online platform,
  • Promote mobility in adult learning and contribute to the European Area of Skills and Qualifications.

Target group:

The main target groups are unemployed people, women and men, including migrants and people at risk of social exclusion, that are seeking for new opportunities in the changing labour market of the post-crisis era. They lack preparation to reach an entrepreneurial profile, and are lost among a large offer of training without clear awareness of their training needs and possible pathways. No age limit is applicable; however, EAST expects to target people aged 30-49 with a medium or long work experience, which consists of the largest block of active population potentially interested

in self-employment.

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